Kwality wall’s (Ice-Cream) the original Indian company was found in 1956. Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is a consumer goods company based In Mumbai, Maharashtra. Ice cream is a frozen food usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, often combined with fruit or other ingredients and flavours. A study is conducted on kwality wall’s ice cream towards consumer satisfaction. In this study the preference and taste of consumer are analyzed through questionnaire. The research is descriptive in nature. Convenient sampling technique has been used. Data has been collected from 120 respondents. Statistical analysis tools such as One-way ANOVA, Independent Sample T test, Correlation have been used to interpret data. The result found that most of the consumers are satisfied with taste and preference of the kwality wall’s ice cream.
Keywords: Kwality Wall’s (Ice-Cream),consumer, taste and preference, Food
1. https ://www.scribd.com/document/54728209/36001719 -P roject-ReportonKwaIity-WaIIs-Ice-Creams
2. Joel R. Evans and Barry Berman (1984) focused on study of product positioning of ice cream in New York. Product positioning tell about the number of brands of ice cream are rated by customer on the basis of price. They take the consumers product track three times a year.
3. P.R.S. Moorthy (1992), Discussed about the study to improve the stock supply of the ice cream industry in india To improve the market potential of the company by view of the competitors.
4. Rees (1992), Discussed on study factors influencing consumer choice of food. Rees (1992), study Flavour, texture, advertising, ect are influencing the buying behaviour. The household role of cooking in microwave ovens production changes the eating habits.
5. Robert Marshall (2003), Focused on features of ice-cream industry which has been well developed market. The study also analyses the production and consumption pattern of ice-cream in the country.
6. C.G.BIayney (2009), Discussed with demand on ice-cream at home in united states. To determine the retail price and the consumer income towards icecream consumption.
1. https:// www. Ijmra.us. com
2. https:// www. irjments. com
3. https:// www. link. springer. com
4. https:// www. thenewswire. com