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Problems of power loom industrial units – A Study
P.V. Sridhar: Dr. S. Ezhil raji
Pages: 1-8 | First Published: 06 Oct 2023
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Powerloom industrial units play a significant role in the textile and fabric manufacturing sector. These units use power-driven machines to weave fabrics and textiles. The functions of powerloom industrial units encompass various stages of fabric production, from raw material preparation to the creation of finished products. The present paper is mainly focusing the powerloom industrial units’ problems relating to production and marketing. The objective of the study is to analyze the problems of powerloom industrial units functioning in Chittoor District of Andra Pradesh in India. The primary data have been collected from the respondents of the study. The sample size is 470 and proportionate random sampling method has been adopted to make the data segregations of Taluk wise. The key statistical tools are (simple percentage, ANOVA and multiple regressions) used to find the results of impact which are directly impose its effects on the problems of powerloom industrial units functioning in Chittoor District of Andra Pradesh in India. The marketing issues are not contributing the overall problems of powerloom industrial units, but the political issues are considerably contributing the overall problems of powerloom industrial units. The respondents are represented their most of the views similarly on the state governments policy regarding subsidies to yarn and raw material price, electricity, and interest on loan. All the independent variables are significantly impacting the dependent variable (problems of powerloom industrial units). Despite, marketing, transportation, political and capital mobilizations are highly impacting the problems of powerloom industrial units as per the multiple regression analysis. The government as well as the powerloom industrial units’ proprietors should concentrate on the marketing and transportation issues. These two issues are controllable factors among the identified factors. 

Keywords: Problems of Powerloom; marketing issues, transportation issues, political issues and capital mobilizations issues


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