This study “An apparent Effect of Developmental Role of Community Radio with Listeners‟ in South India”, was carried out with a broad-based object of analysing the developmental functions of community radio stations, measuring the quality of programming content and evaluating the nature of participation among the listeners‟ of community radio stations in South India. The specific concepts taken for the study include listenership patterns, quality of participation, perceptions of community radio stations and disputes faced by the CR programme producers among different demographic categories of community radio listeners. The study also compared to the effectiveness of Educational Institution Community Radio Stations and NGO owned CRS. Using the descriptive analytical design, the study measured the influence of the demographic characteristics „Age‟ „Gender‟, „Educational Qualification‟, „Social Grouping‟, „occupation‟, and „Income‟ of the community radio listeners and their perception of community radio functions as outlined by Fraser and Estrada ( 2001). The study assessed the quality of participation of the selected Community Radio Stations using the framework conceived by Hyde et al. (2020).
Keywords: CR-Community Radio, Programme, Producer, Listeners.
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