Packaging is the prime force to provide information to the consumer and should satisfy legal requirements for product identification, nutritional value, ingredient declaration, net weight, and manufacturer information. A package is the face of a product and open is the only product exposure consumers experience prior to purchase. Consequently, innovative packaging can boost sales in a competitive environment. The concerned study has analyzed the consumer buying behaviour of food packaging product and has examined the customer prefers to buy different food products. It has also analyzed the reasons of customer preferences over the commonly preferred food product brands in the market. The present investigation was carried out with 100 respondents from Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh. Convenience sampling technique was used for the present study for collection of data. The study was conducted by using both Primary and Secondary data. A structured questionnaire was prepared for the present study. The primary data for the present study was collected with the help of a questionnaire. The secondary data for the present study was collected from journals, magazines, research articles, newspapers, and websites. Findings revealed that the impact of packaging and its elements on consumer’s purchase decision is quite significant in respect to the consumer’s varied choice. For this purpose, the Package’s elements were identified on the basis of its graphics quality, color, size, form, and material of packaging being used on the product.The objective of this study is to determine the role of packaging onconsumer’s buying behavior. The purpose of this research is to examine the essential factors, which are driving the success of a brand. This research also identified the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. This is the primary research and data has been collectedthrough questionnaire and for analysis purpose SPSS software has been used. In this study samples of 150 respondents has been collected and tested the reliability of the model. According to the finding of the research study, it has been observed that the packaging is the most important factor. It is further concluded that the packaging elements like its Colour, Packaging material, Design of Wrapper and innovation are more important factors when consumers making any buying decision. Finally it has also been concluded that the Packaging is one of the most important and powerful factor, which influences consumer’s purchase decision. Now, packaging has become itself a sales promotion tool for the organizations. The consumer’s buying behavior also stimulated by the packaging quality, color, wrapper, and other characteristics of packaging. Packaging is a whole package that becomes an ultimate selling proposition, which stimulates impulse buying behavior. Packaging increases sales and market share and reduces market and promotional costs. According to Rundh (2005) package appeals consumer’s attentiveness towards a certain brand,increases its image, and stimulates consumer’s perceptions about products. Furthermore, packaging conveys distinctive value to products (Underwood, 2003; Silayoi, & Speece, 2007), packaging works as an instrument for differentiation, and helps consumers to decide the product from wide range of parallel products, packaging also stimulates customer’s buying behavior (Wells, Farley & Armstrong, 2007).
Keywords: Packaging, Buying Behavior, Purchase Decision, Vellore City
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