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Celebrity Endorsement-An Evaluation of College Student’s Perception

Issue Abstract

The use of celebrities in advertising has become an ever-present phenomenon in modern advertising. Celebrity endorsement today is the ultimate and ideal promotional strategy for marketers as the consumers get attracted towards those brands that reflect their inner lives, values, beliefs and their desires. Currently in India the use of celebrity advertising for companies has become a trend and also become a winning formula of corporate image building and product marketing .It can create linkages with the stars appeal thereby adding refreshing and new dimensions to the brand image. The practice of celebrity endorsements has proliferated over time. Now days it has become a pervasive element of advertising industry especially in India. Celebrity endorsement business has become a multi-million industry in India. Marketers use celebrity endorsers to influence the purchase decision of consumers in order to increase their sales and extend their market shares. Many celebrities are used in various marketing campaigns and in most cases; the use of celebrities as endorsers is seen from mainly positive aspects. This made the author curious to explore the effect of celebrity endorsements on college student’s perception and buying behavior.
Keywords: celebrity endorsement, perception, buying behaviour

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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