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A Comparative Study on the Awareness of Digital Money in the Villages and Towns of Kanyakumari District

Issue Abstract

Digital money is exchanged using technologies such as smartphones, credit cards, and interest. The study aims to reveal the perception and awareness of digital money in Nagercoil town. The study concluded that many people are not very much aware of digital money and its advantages and few who are aware also are scared about the problems in using this digital money. Therefore it is important to strengthen internet security to protect against digital money. Hence one should access and use digital-based transactions. The government should make more efforts like financial literacy campaigns to help people be more aware of digital money and digital transactions.
Keywords: Awareness, Digital Money, Villages, Towns

Author Information
J. Mohamed Jershath
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. JAshim Khan (2009), “Cashless Transactions Perception of Money in Mobile Payments”, International Business and Economic Review, Volume- 1, Issue- 1, pp 23- 36
2. www.mai,asia
4. Dr. K. A. Rajanna (2018), “Perception and awareness of customer towards cashless transaction; A Case study”, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management(IJAIEM), Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2018, ISSN 2319 4847.