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Quality of Work Life Balance of Male Teachers in Arts and Science Colleges in Nagaland an Empirical Study

Issue Abstract

In the modern world work and stress are inevitable in our day-to-day lives. We struggle to balance work and life on the same scale is very difficult and frustrating. People particularly male teachers have over-stress to sustain the balance of both, they continuously try to manage the work-life balances, depending upon the environment around them. This study enriches the various proportions and exhibits the various findings and suggestions for the quality of work-life balance of male teachers in Nagaland. It is purely psychological issues-oriented, however, this study concludes with how to improve work and life satisfactorily.
Keywords: WLB, Stress oriented issues, Psychology, and job enrichment.

Author Information
Keneide-Ù Lerù-O
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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