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A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour on Sports Sponsorship and Event Marketing Management in Tiruchirappalli District

Issue Abstract

Sports sponsorship and occasion publicizing and displaying is the ticket and it's miles a device for setting up that specific occasion with business to the around the world. The each worldwide regions to spending colossal cash for sports practices sponsorship program, as a result of the truth on this event the publicizing and exhibiting stage may be raised more than one of each u.s. It is separated into obvious classes, for instance, by and large activities home activities, etc In such activities advancing and exhibiting extra games practices pictures, sports and different games practices non-public games. In Tiruchirappalli area to associated extra wide  grouping of sports practices sponsorship despite sports activities to facilitated day with the aide of using day. Along these lines, those articles will convey of sports practices sponsorship and occasion publicizing and exhibiting in Tiruchirappalli region.

Keywords: Sports Sponsorship, Occasion Advertising, Shopper searching for direct, MSM  sports practices occasion.

Author Information
Dr. S. Revathi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2022
Issue Pages
16- 23

Issue References


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