In this modern and developing business era, customer preferences, and demand have become constantly changing. In this regard, to keep pace with the current trend, it is highly crucial to adopt modern and advanced technological involvement in the business process to enhance productivity (Vlačić et al. 2021). This study has shed light on the ways “Artificial Intelligence (AI)” may affect new digital entrepreneurship and its all potential
practices and outcomes. The researcher investigates how the advanced technology will support and replace the tasks connected with selling, production, and scaling to increase business revenue among existing business competitors. These changes in the business process can develop the career growth of the employees and also become helpful with the adoption of AI technology. AI is able to enhance entrepreneurial activities, reliability, and also technological strength that is capable of developing the productivity and efficiency of the employees to increase the profit margin to set their career for the long-term issue. The study discusses the beneficial sites as well as disadvantages of current digital entrepreneurship with the collaboration of new AI technology. The researcher has adopted a “primary quantitative data collective tool” to collect the relevant data and information. In addition, depending on the IBM SPSS software the raw data has been evaluated in a better way. The perfect data collection method and analysis process has made the study perfect to explore the right data and information. Moreover, all the risk components can be reduced with this research paper and also increase the value of digital entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), digital entrepreneurship, career growth, business, revenue, profit
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