Sustainability and Scenario Planning provide a structured framework for exploring, analyzing, and planning for a sustainable future in the face of uncertainty and complexity. Science fiction frequently intertwines itself with sustainability through its predictions of the future and its proposals for predictable scenarios. Thus serving as an encouragement to contemplate a multitude of potential outcomes and possibilities. The study delves into the realm of sustainability and an eco-friendly scenario within the imaginative landscape of Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed. Sustainability Scenario Planning lends a hand to constructing and analyzing sustainable and eco-friendly scenarios. At the same time, it emphasizes the intricate relationship between ecological practices, societal structure, and harmonious coexistence within the environment. With concrete examples from the novel, this study unveils the profound exploration of sustainability in Le Guins’ work, emphasizing its relevance to real-world ecological concerns. This study focuses on the Sustainability Scenario Planning of the planet Anarres in the novel.
Key Words: Eco-friendly, Sustainability, Scenario Planning, imaginative landscape, environment
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