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Green Marketing an Attitudinal and Behavioural Analysis of Consumers in South Region of Tamilnadu

Issue Abstract

Consumers‟ attitudes and concerns for the environment are determinants of behavior and will manifest themselves in their lifestyles and green purchasing decisions. The objective of the present study was to explore whether variables, specific to environmental consciousness, were more suitable for characterizing consumers‟ purchasing decisions. Specifically, consumers‟ knowledge and attitudes towards recycling behavior and energy-efficient products were studied. One-way ANOVA Chi-Square test and percentage analysis were the statistical tools used. Results indicated that the consumers‟ overall environmental consciousness had a positive impact on green purchasing decisions. It was found that the recycling behavior aimed at reducing solid waste at landfill sites and conserving natural resources. Results indicated that the sample's overall environmental consciousness has a positive impact on green purchasing decisions. Such research is beneficial to marketers and retailers aiming to incorporate green concerns into their marketing mix. Simply claiming to be „green‟ is no longer enough. Instead, marketers must show how consumers choosing green products are helpful in the struggle to preserve the environment and how others are better off as a result of it.

Keywords: Green marketing, Consumers‟ behavior, Consumers‟ attitudes.

Received : 09th September 2019

Accepted : 16th September 2019
Published : 15th October 2019



Author Information
K. Ramalakshmi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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