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The Role of Tourism Agents in Sponsoring Rural Tourism

Issue Abstract

This paper aims to present the great importance of tourism agents in promoting the Romanian rural area to their clients from Romania and abroad. It also aims to present the importance of the information trips for the agents, organized by the owners of hotels and accommodation situated in rural area, for the agents to have direct contact
with the place, the landmark, the history and the geographical location of the place they are going to sell as tourism offer to their clients. I also want to make suggestions for a good collaboration between the agents and rural tourism tour operators, change of ideas between them in order to have a good offer for clients, or to be able to personalize an offer for the needs of a certain client.

Keywords: tourism; rural, agent; accommodation; information

Author Information
Dr. P.Balagurusamy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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