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The Work Participation and Dependency Status of the Elderly in Kerala Under the Third and Fourth Stages of Demographic Transition

Issue Abstract

As a cosmic truth the demographic transition is an unavoidable phenomenon happening in any country in the world. The net result is the transformation of the population structure of a country by the changes in between birth rate and death rate. Such types of events are always explained  by theory of demographic transition and it gives the valuable explanations regarding the various categories of workforce in the economy. Therefore, in the first two stages of the demographic transition theory always unveils more details about the young workforce than elderly workforce due to the high birth and death rates. But after these two stages, the population cohort a country fills with elderly workforce due to the low birth and death rates in the third and fourth stages of demographic transition. These series of events is a common fact in the developed countries of world, so the theory is hundred percentage matched with the trends of these economies. The similar situation has been occurring in the Kerala and its trend of fertility transition moves as the trend of developed country. Consequently, unlike the other states of India, the state has been holding largest proportion of the  elderly persons and their growth rate is alarmingly increasing from one decade to another decade. These things add more elderly workforce into the total workforce of the state economy. Finally this trend challenges the socioeconomic development of the state and compelling the governmental authorities to take serious policy measures in the areas of elderly work participation and their care so as to reduce the old age dependency. 
Keywords: Third and Fourth Stages of Demographic Transition, Population  Cohort, Elderly Workforce, Work Participation, Old Age Dependency. I. I

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Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
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Issue References


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