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A Study on Consumer Attitudes towards Mobile Phone Marketing in Pudukkottai District

Issue Abstract

Now a days in mobile phone marketing  have its comes a new kind of device, a  programmable mobile phone, Generally,   mobile   phone   users   can program any application which  is customize for needs. Furthermore, they can share these applications in global  web online market. Therefore, mobile phone and its application are now most popular keywords in mobile technology. Therefore people they have interested to buy mobiles in mobile shops and online marketing. Today’s mobile phone application markets host an ever increasing number of applications. The sheer number of applications makes their review a daunting task. Application  Playground   integrates   multiple   components comprising different detection and an Automatic exploration technique for this purpose. Our evaluation shows that Application Playground is quite effective at automatically detecting privacy leaks and malicious functionality in applications. The purpose of this paper is to present the result of a survey on the attitude of consumers toward the various types of mobile phone in marketing usages such as application software, e-mail, Internet browsing, ringtones, and other mobile contents The data were collected through survey
questionnaires filled by 50 individual users across the city in Pudukkottai. 

Keywords: Mobile phone, Consumer attitude, Consumer usage survey, Exploratory Study. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1.  Howard Rheingold ―mobile mobs‖ the next social revolution. 

  2. Himanshu Dwivedi ―Mobile Application Security‖ Edition 1,2010.

  3. C.R Kothari (1990), Research Methodology, Second revised – edition, New Age international (P) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi. 

  4. https:// www. marketo. com/mobile marketing/