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Efficacy of Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Issue Abstract

The modern global business environment has revolutionized business practices during the last few decades. Production practices, service structures, and organizational frames have been dramatically changed as technology and new markets have emerged fostering the growth of outsourcing industry. Today’s business organizations outsource their oncor activities and focus more on core functions to achieve individual and organizational effectiveness. One of the major concerns of global business organizations is management of diverse human resources, to ensure optimal and strategic cutilization of this resource for accomplishment of individual, organizational and societal objectives. This concern lead to the growth of RPOs specialized  to offer cost effective and qualitative talent hiring onb time. RPO involves transfer outsourcing) of all or some recruiting activities and processes to a third party provider who performs internal recruitment function of identification and hiring right candidate for any vacant positi ons in an organizati on. RPO leverages market knowledge, industry expertise and procurement of talent to improve quality of hire, speed of delivery and cost containment. Appealing arguments are made for and against RPO as a means of achieving long-run competitive advantage. On one hand, by outsourcing recruitment acti vities to specialized organizations, firms may better focus on their most value-creating activities, and there by maximize the potential effectiveness of the organizations. Also, as
outsourcing of recruitment activities increases, investment on facilities, equipment, and man power can be reduced. On the other hand, anecdotal evidence suggests that increased reliance on RPO may lead to reduced innovati on, eventual competition from RPO partners and reduction in control of the task in question. This study is intended to analyze Efficacy of Recruitment Process Outsourcing. There searcher has collected the data using convenience sampling, mail survey and snow ball sampling approaches, through a structured questionnaire with
a sample size of about 50 respondents. Gaining a clearer per sportive on Efficacy of Recruitment Process Outsourcing is the expected outcome of this study. 
Keywords: Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Recruitment, Outsourcing, Organization. 

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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