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Venture Capital Funding – Recent Trends and Challenges in India

Issue Abstract

Venture capital funds are investment funds that manage the money of investors who seek private equity stakes in startups and small- to medium-sized enterprises with strong growth potential. These investments are generally characterized as high-risk/high-return opportunities. In the past, venture capital investments were only accessible to professional venture capitalists, although now accredited investors have a greater ability to take part in venture capital investments. Venture capital is a type of equity financing that gives entrepreneurial or other small companies the ability to raise funding. Venture capital funds are private equity investment vehicles that seek to invest in firms that have high-risk/high-return profiles, based on a company's size, assets, and stage of product development. Venture capital funds differ from mutual funds and hedge funds in that they focus on a very specific type of early-stage investment. All firms that receive venture capital investments have high-growth potential, are risky, and have a long investment horizon. Further, venture capital funds take a more active role in their investments by providing guidance and often holding a board seat. Venture capital funds have portfolio returns that resemble a barbell approach to investing. Many of these funds make small bets on a wide variety of young startups, believing that at least one will achieve high growth and reward the fund with a comparatively large payout at the end. This allows the fund to mitigate the risk that some investments will fold. In this article, we shall focus on the recent trends and challenges related to venture capital funding in India.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Rustagi RP (2001) 'Financial Management - Theory, Concepts and Problems', Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
2. Brealey Richard A., & Myers Stewart C. (2000). 'Principles of Corporate Finance', Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.