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A Study on Satisfaction and Awareness towards Brands Pertaining to Baby Products

Issue Abstract

The Indian baby care market has experienced sustainable growth during the past few years. The market, which has long been considered as a niche segment from an Indian perspective, has now transformed into a potential, fully-fledged industry, especially in its diapers segment. The diaper market has not grown by leaps and bounds in the past as price continues to be the main impediment. However, baby products have been steadily trying to correct the price-value equation and have been offering superior, technology-driven products. The market is driven by the factors such as the increasing birth rate and the rising urbanization. The other market drivers are, increasing hygiene and sanitation awareness, a shift in consumer dynamics, and a rising women-to-men ratio. The rising population, growing disposable income levels, and lower infant mortality rate are also the other factors driving the baby care product market.
Key Words: Baby care products, Diaper market, Technology–driven products.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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