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A Study on Impact of Training And Development Program of an Organization: A Conceptual Study

Issue Abstract

Employees are esteemed resource of the organization and success or failure of the organization relay on the performance of employees. Therefore, organizations are financing large amount on employee training and development programs. Importance of employee development program is growing for the organizations those pursuing to receive an advantage among competitors. nFurthermore, in training program it is supportive for companies to emphasis on knowledge, expertise and ability of employees. There is substantial discussion among professionals and researchers on the affect that development program has on both employee and organization. The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual study established on the employee training and development program and its benefits. This study also described here is a vigilant assessment of literature on fundamental of employee development program and its benefits to organizations and employees.  
Keywords: Training design, training component, training benefits. 

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Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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