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Migrant Sensitive Health Policies in the GCC Countries: A Comparative Analysis

Issue Abstract

Migration movement in the GCC countries increased tremendously after the oil-led development boost. The large number of labor migrants in the GCC countries demanded effective health policies for the migrants. However academic research has provided a shabby picture of the living conditions of the migrant workers, specifically the ‘blue collar’ and the female workers. They also ignored the need for migrant-sensitive health policies and their effectiveness on female migrants. In this context, the present paper aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the migrant-sensitive health policies in the GCC Countries with a special focus on the pro-female migrant health policies. It discusses the need to have effective women-sensitive health policies as female migrant workers undergo more health vulnerabilities than other problems related to migration.

Author Information
Haseena Akbar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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