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Constraints in Financial Literacy Among Literates in Tirunelveli District - A Pragmatic Study

Issue Abstract

Financial literacy is the perception by which investors perk up their sympathetic of financial markets, products,
concepts and risks. Financial literacy refers to the acquaintance obligatory for managing personal finance. As a substitute it covers an understanding of how to use credit accountability, handle money, lessen financial risks  and develop long-term payback of savings. There are many constraints in financial literacy programmes of banks. The existing study is an endeavor to look at the constraints in Financial Literacy among Literates in Tirunelveli District. The customers are selected from Nationalized Banks, Old generation Private sector banks, New generation Banks based on their educational qualification. The variables used for examination are the constraints. The result found that the constraints on financial literacy vary according to the educational qualification among customers. 
Keywords: Financial literacy, Financial literacy constraints, Personal finance, Financial education, financial awareness. 

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Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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