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The Concept of Financial Inclusion in Digitalised India

Issue Abstract

Finance plays a vital role in developing the society as well as the country. For an economy to develop whether they are rich or poor in status it needs finance and financial inclusion serves the purpose. In simple terms, financial inclusion can be said as delivery of financial services to the needful people without categorizing them in terms of their financial background or on any other basis. It put forth the solutions for the problems that had made people step back from participating in the financial sector. This is done so that, the economy has fair and inclusive growth. In this paper, the changes which had taken place in the nation with the view of the concept of financial inclusion have been discussed and the importance of financial inclusion has also been viewed.
Keywords: Categorizing, Developing, Financial Inclusion, Inclusive.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Sonu Garg1, Dr. Parul Agarwal2, “Financial Inclusion in India – a Review of Initiatives and Achievements” IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM), Volume 16, Issue 6. Ver. I (Jun. 2014), PP 52-61.


  3. P. V. Bhaskar, Financial Inclusion in India Assessment, RBI Monthly Bulletin January 2014, 30-32. retrieved from:

  4. Annual Report 2012-13, Reserve Bank of India, 2013, 76-80.retrieved from:

  5. C Rangarajan, Report of the Committee on Financial Inclusion, 2008,1- 31.