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A Study on the Impact of Technology on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Chennai District

Issue Abstract

Indian banks are not reliable in the performance phases of technology due to the executive attitude, IT dispersion, adapted level of technology by the customers, and the employees’ perceptions towards technology, competitive advantage gained from IT as a strategic tool,etc. By bearing in mind a single variable, it may not be appropriate to assess the status of IT performance by banks. Hence, this study developed and used a comprehensive and an original index, viz., Information Technology Index (ITI), which is an amalgamation of all the possible variables grouped into three categories, viz.,information interpretation, web-site quality and technology carrying out.Further, this study also analysed the implementation status of payment gateways (facilitated by technology) at industry level, as the data were available only for the Commercial banks in Chennai district. 
Keywords: Rural Market, Brand Strategies, FMCG. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Shirley J. Ho and Sushanta K. Mallick,‖. The Impact of Information Technology on the Banking Industry: Theory and Empirics‖ Queen Mary, University of London, UK. 

  2.  Strassman, P. A. (1990)―The Business Value of Computers: An Executive’s Guide,‖ New Canaan,CT: Information Economics Press.  

  3. Vadlamani Ravi (2007),‖.Advances in Banking Technology and Management: Impacts of ICT and CRM", published by IGI Global, USA, 2007. 

  4. Willcocks, L. (1994) Information Management: The Evaluation of Information Systems Investments, ch. 1, Chapman & Hall, London:127.

  5. World Bank. (2003). ICT and MDGs—A World Bank Group perspective. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group MIT Press.