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A Study on Consumers Perception Towards LPG Based Automobiles in India

Issue Abstract

As petrol prices have been deregulated and entirely reliant on the market, it is difficult for a common man especially when it comes to affordability. Western countries are using LPG-based automobiles, especially in the wheeler segment, there is a usage of auto-gas as regular use of gasoline or diesel which is decreasing the cost burden to the economy. Even though there is an option of using LPG as a fuel for automobiles the consumers in India are not purchasing it. Companies like Tata, Hyundai, and Maruthi Suzuki are manufacturing LPG-based vehicles; the consumers are not buying them. So, there is a need to study the perception of consumers toward LPG-based automobiles.
Keywords: Petrol, LPG, four-wheeler, LPG-based automobiles.

Author Information
Pawan Kumar D B
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2018
Issue Pages