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A Study on Attrition Level in Pharmaceutical Companies in Chennai City

Issue Abstract

Attrition in human resource management means gradual wearing down of the employees from the organization by the owner will consist of the employees in an organization is known as attrition. Attrition denotes that employees in the present organization are not satisfied (may be due to less pay, ineffective career planning of employees in the organization, or current employees) Employee turnover and employee attrition both occur when an employee leaves the organization. Turnover, however, may result from some employment actions, such as removal, termination, resignation, or work abandonment. Attrition occurs when an employee retires or when the company eliminates his job. The significant difference between the two is that when turnover occurs, the company seeks someone to replace the employee. The organizations also face difficulties in maintaining the remaining employees as well as attracting inherent employees. The high attrition rates also lead to a chronic or systemic cycle. All this has a significant impact on the strength of a company in managing its business in a competitive environment. The study is conducted to find out the leading causes that increase employee turnover in pharmaceutical companies and to find out the way to control attrition. This study was conducted in
Pharmaceutical companies in Chennai city. The study found that the attrition rate is high level in pharmaceutical companies because of dissatisfaction with the organization's policy.
Keywords: Attrition, Pharmaceutical Companies, Organization policy, and Employees

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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