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Effects of Yogic Practices on Sitting Tolerance among Autistic Children

Issue Abstract

The study investigated the effects of yogic practices on Sitting tolerance among autistic children, For the study 20 children with autism were selected from the National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disability, Muttukadu, Chennai, Their ages ranged between 8 and 12, The subjects were divided into two equal groups of 10 subjects each, namely experimental group-1, and control group. Experimental group 1 underwent Yogic practices, for five days a week for six weeks and the control group was kept as active rest. The selected criterion variable sitting tolerance of body parts was assessed before during and after the training period, the collected data were statistically analyzed by Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and the result of the study reveals that the Sitting tolerance of the body parts significantly improved in experimental group when compared with the control group.
Keywords: Neural disorder, Autism, Yoga, Sitting tolerance, Special education.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

1) Swami Kuvalayananda, (1933). Asanas: Lonavala, Kyvalyadhama. .
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