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Poignant Advertisements the Changing Realm of Integrated Marketing Communication

Issue Abstract

Running a business without advertisement is just like “winking at a beautiful girl in the dark” where we know what we are doing but she doesn’t know anything. The real great advertisement of all time has captured the poignant moment, has wrapped their brands in the words and pictures of that poignant moment and their served that package up for sale to those very same emotions. The cost efficiency becomes the driven force of increasing profitability in the Indian context through integrated marketing communication. The diversified cultural practices of Indians are creating opportunities for the corporate to adopt poignant advertisement to communicate. The primary objective of the research is to understand the concept of integrated marketing communication, poignant advertisement and its impact on customer behavior. 
Keywords: Advertisement S, Poignant Moment, Cost Efficiency, Diversified Cultural Practice. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages