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Empirical Study on Decision Making Practice in Select it Companies in Bangalore

Issue Abstract

Decision making is an important process in any corporate organisation and it is not an exception to IT companies. Decision making happens at top level of management in IT organisations. Top management consists  board of directors, president, vice-president, chief executive officer (CEO) or managing director. In IT companies these board of directors, president, vice president and chief executive officer frame the policies of the company. They develop company plans and make better decisions regarding software production for various companies based on the requirement of offer given by the organisations. They decide the price and other strategies for developing the software, recruiting the software personnel fixing the salary for them, training and development for the new entrants and placing the trainees in the respective disciplines. They frame the time constraint  for developing the software and within that stipulated time  the software should be developed by the respective developers. These top level managers control the entire organisation and also appoints middle level managers, departmental managers and coordinate the entire organisation based on the policies of the company. Each organisation has its own decision making practice. It may vary from organisation to organisation. Some organisations will give complete authorities to the managers in taking important decisions and recruit the right kind of people  and also analyse the requirements of a job before beginning the recruitment and selection process.  

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Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
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Issue References


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