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Role on Government Policy on Capital Goods, A Review with Special Reference to Make in India

Issue Abstract

Countries can potentially choose to import from wide varieties that are available in different sources and this
choice has a bearing on their growth rates. A distinction between imported and domestically produced capital
goods. Capital goods exerts a significant effect on the growth rates of per capita incomes; particularly in developing countries. Almost 80 percent of capital goods production in the world is concentrated in few countries.
The capital goods industry has been witnessing a downturn for the past few years. The prime objective of this research paper is to examine the impact of importing or making capital goods in the home country. 
Keywords: capital goods, import, export, productivity, growth rate, make in India, use in India, investment.  

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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