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Revitalizing The Kerala Model of Equitable Development: A Call for Synergetic Convergence of Growth and Redistributional Themes

Issue Abstract

The much celebrated Kerala developmental experience popularly dubbed as Kerala Model of Equitable
Development has received lots of critical reviews as well as copiousrhetoric. Such a renewed interest in the model owes samply to the Sen vs. Bhagwati debate as well as the reputation accorded to Gujarat model of Development and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s growth oriented policy schemata. As such the debate has become the one characterized as redistribution vs. growth concerns. The developmental model of Kerala, often pictured as the Poster-child of left-democratic government as well as various socio-religious reformatory movements, has undoubtedly failed to acknowledge the dynamic themes of globalization, remaining as its abandoned child. Consequently, the model still remains as a socio-human development oriented model than accommodating economic developmental prospects of the state. Along with it, a few inefficiencies attached with the socio-economic-cultural and political scenario of the state has rendered the model quite insufficient for future growth and developmental prospects. The paper focuses on such multi-dimensional inefficiencies which elude the action premises of the model, questioning the element of inclusiveness as well as sustainability. Further the paper also delves into the contentious matter, whether a refurbishing or rejuvenation of the developmental model, which lodges the dynamic themes of globalization, is inevitable or not. Whether the model can be emulated elsewhere effectively remains as a contestable issue, and the suggested rejuvenation/refurbishing of the model conclusively points towards an arrangement that can put up both the growth and re distributional  concerns, embracing the essentials of globalization, than being hostile, out-dated developmental notion, from a primitive age. After all, cogency of every growth and developmental notion lies in its effectiveness in addressing and embracing the element of dynamism associated with economism. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Bhagwati, J. & Panagariya, A. (2013), “India’stryst with destiny: debunking myths that undermine progress and addressing new challenges”,Harper Collins Business. 

  2. Dreze, J & Sen, A(2013), “An uncertain glory: India and its contradictions”, Princeton University Press.

  3. Chakraborty, P& Chakraborty L.& H.K, Amar Nath & Mitra S. (2010), “Financing human development in kerala: issues and challenges”,National Institute Of Public Finance And Policy, New Delhi.