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A Study on Challenges Faced by Farmers in Paddy Marketing

Issue Abstract

Paddy farmers are still encountering serious marketing problems such as lack of infrastructure facilities, intervention of large number of middlemen, remunerative and unstable price, lack of market information, lack of organized markets, poor extension service, malpractices in market, heavy commission charged by middlemen and heavy production. Bearing the above points in mind, an attempt has been made in this chapter to study the problems in the cultivation and marketing of paddy in the study area. The present study is selected its sample size is 108. The convenience sampling method was adopted for this study. The selected 108 respondents who are engaged in paddy cultivation and they resides in musiri block. It is suggested Permitting outside traders to take part in the commission at the open market will pave the way for competitive bidding and consequently increase the prices offered to the farmer.    

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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