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An Analysis of Statewise Production of Jute in India

Issue Abstract

Jute is one of the most important natural fibres after cotton in terms of cultivation and usage. Cultivation is
dependent on the climate, season and soil. Almost 85% of the world’s jute cultivation is concentrated in the Ganges delta. The major jute producing States in India are Assam, Bihar, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Tripura and West Bengal, but the Indian jute industry is mainly dependent on West Bengal wherein this industry had begun in 1854 with the setting up of the jute mill by George Auckland at Rishra in Hooghly district. As per the National Jute Board, there are 80 jute mills in India at present, out of which 62 belong to West Bengal, 7 belong to Andhra Pradesh, 3 belong to Bihar and Uttar Pradesh each, and Assam, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Tripura have I jute mill each. Hence, this paper makes an attempt to analyze the prospects of jute production in India taking into account the state wise production of jute in the country.   
Keywords: Production of Jute, State Wise Production. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. BasuU.C.Biwas.s.k, jute technology for production and quality improvement, Directorate of Jute Development, Ministry of Agriculture, India, Calcutta 1995. 

  2. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review”, Vol.1, Issue.9, Jan-March-2015.