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Effects of Climatic Changes in Business Environment Tender Coconut’s Trend in Bangalore

Issue Abstract

Bangalore weather is just getting extreme day by day, in the rainy season it's heavy storms, in the winter season it's extremely cold, and this upcoming 2018 summer is not like any other summer but it’s going to be extremely hot. For Bangalore to sustain the heat any day/every day tender coconut is a remedy. Coconut is something that people prefer for taste, health, oral rehydration, etc. The other advantages of tender coconut are that It kills intestinal worms Cures malnourishment Effective in the treatment of kidney and urethral stonesChecks urinary infections. Keeps the body coolEach climatic change has environmental, social, political, and economic changes on the business. Tender coconut was something that was found on footpaths, at road corners, and under tented roofs, but the trend has changed today. We can get tender coconut in tetra packets and sometimes a free home delivery. Tender coconuts are now available in supermarkets, and refrigerators. State Karnataka receives 80 percent of rainfall because it accounts for the southwest monsoon. The annual rainfall in that state ranges from low 50 cm to copious 350 cm. The west coastal region enjoys the highest rainfall and hence it helps the cultivation of tender coconuts, which helps in better production of tender coconuts in the market. People also may sometimes face loss because of the different climatic changes that are occurring in the state. Predicting the future is something beyond, even if they predict the climatic conditions it may differ. There will be changes in local weather conditions. For tender coconuts to grow a rainfall of about 2000mm per year well distributed throughout is ideal for proper growth and maximum production. Coconut is grown under different soil types such as loamy, laterite, coastal sandy, clayey, alluvial, and reclaimed soils of the marshy lowlands. The ideal soil conditions for better growth and performance of the palm are proper drainage, good water holding capacity, the presence of a water table within 3m, and the absence of rock or any hard substratum within 2m of the surface.

Keywords- Tender coconut, climatic changes.

Author Information
Tejas Kumar .S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

5. A text book of statistics by Raj Mohan