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Problems and Prospects of the Export Marketing of T-Shirts

Issue Abstract

Fashion has come a long way and the textile has been an integral part of India‟s cultural heritage. India has been significantly contributing through the export of readymade garments for more than two decades and in recent years it has established its prominence in the world scenario. 

Keywords: Domestic market, home marketing, foreign exchange, knitwear exporters

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Balagopal, T.A.S., 2001 Export Management, New Delhi, Himalaya Publishing House.
  2. Desai, S.S.M., 1984. International Trade and Export Management, New Delhi, Himalaya Publishing House.
  3. Dhindsa, K.S., 1981, Indian Export performance – some policy implication, New Delhi, Intellectual Publishing House.
  4. Susheela Subramanya, 1985. Foreign trade and India‟s export policy, New Delhi, Deep & Deep publications