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A Study on the Role of Ecopreneurship in Sustainable Development

Issue Abstract

Our environment faces lot of environmental problems, it is clear that past strategies used to address these challenges have failed to prevent environmental degradation. It is therefore time to pay attention to the role that entrepreneurs can play in solving our environmental problems. Ecopreneurs can help preserve our ecosystems, counteract climate change, improve fresh water supply, maintain biodiversity, and reduce environmental degradation and deforestation. This paper focuses on the role of entrepreneurship in sustainable development.

Keywords: Ecopreneurship, sustainable development. 

Received: 11th July 2019         Accepted: 15th July 2019    Published: 25th August 2019                                                 

Author Information
Dr. R. Sethu Ravi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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