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Consumer Behaviour in Online Shopping with the Special Referance of Chennai City

Issue Abstract

The present study has been initiated to study the impact of socio-cultural factors on buying behaviour. The main objectives of the study are to study the perception concerning awareness and satisfaction. This research also helps to assess the ability of shopping sites to attract and retain the customer, to analyze the buying behaviour and to explore the reasons why potential customers do not prefer online shopping. The research methodology was exploratory and descriptive. In the study, the sample was based on purposive, judgement and convenience sampling. Research indicates that the buying behaviour towards online shopping is positive due to reasons like convenience, time-saving, varied choice and availability, 24x7 availability, etc. The increasing awareness towards the use of the internet, satisfactory results in online shopping, rise in the standard of living due to dual spousal income, occupation, influence of family, friends and attractive promotional offers etc. are going to affect the purchase decisions the most. In the culture, the study found that the male spouse is no longer the single authoritative person of the household and he has been joined by his wife to make purchase decisions for the family. In this way, the household setup has been now more democratic than the authoritative/ hierarchical in past. The research is in favour that there is a socio-cultural environment in the purchase decision-making process. There is a gender role in the participation of women in decision-making. The research also found in developing countries like India, people are still averse to online shopping due to major reasons like no bargaining facility, online frauds, non-availability of try and buy facility, difficulty in returning faulty products, lack of awareness level etc. Hence the present study directs that companies should focus on these aspects to attract customers towards electronic shopping.

Keywords: Customer behaviour, Online, Socio-Cultural.

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


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