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EMIC and ETIC Inferences of Customer Expectations

Issue Abstract

In this study, the concept of human touch with the business is discussed. Customer expectations are discussed through conceptual research. This is a review cum commentary on the topic. Concepts of compelling experience, personalized focus, reciprocal loyalty, product differentiation, and coordination (McKain,2008). are discussed. The study took place with two prospects customer expectations and the common firm provision for the customer to understand the thin forbidden gap making the relationship normal outstanding. The main objective of the study is to provide data that will be helpful to make customers repeat purchases and this is an attempt to associate all channels of communication with marketing communication.
Key Words: - customer experience, loyalty, service gap, customer business transaction

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Dave, D.& Murthy, A. (2009). What Service Customers Want.Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 19 January 2015, from
  2. McKain, Scott. What Customers Want: How to Bridge the Gap between What Your Organization Offers and What Your Clients Crave. Pearson Education, 2008.
  3. Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., & Parasuraman, A. (1993). The nature and determinants of customer expectations of service. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 21(1), 1-12.
  4. Parasuraman, A., Berry, L. L., &Zeithaml, V. A. (1991). Understanding customer expectations of service. MIT Sloan Management Review, 32(3), 39.
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