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Impact of Globalization on Indian with Special Reference to Rural and Urban Development

Issue Abstract

In the present era, particularly in the last two decades every person talks of globalization and says that the whole world is a global village. In fundamental intelligence, it means „integrating‟ the economy of the country with the world economy. The impact of globalization on Indian and rural development has a wonderful power. The Indian urban and rural development is viewed as the two faces of the same coin. They are equally mutually dependent and both have a greater impact on globalization. India is getting global recognition and slowly moving forward to become a major economic and political strength. This paper clearly elucidates that globalization is a complex phenomenon and its impact on rural and urban development clearly. It has a very thoughtful impact on both Indian rural and urban development. As a result, globalization has shown outstanding growth in urbanization and rural development. Keywords: globalization, urban and rural and global

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Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2016
Issue Pages

Issue References


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