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A Study on the Consumer Behavior of OLA Cab Service in Chennai

Issue Abstract

On-demand cab services came to Indian market in the year 2004 by Meru cabs and  soon became popular among consumers on metropolitan cities. This study is focused on the impact of OLA services at Chennai and for this data has been collected with the help of structured questionnaire. Data was collected from Chennai and specifically from students. This paper focuses on the impact of OLA cabs at Chennai. The study deals with the consumers
mindset towards in utilizing the call taxi services, comfortless, ease of access, tariff system, safety, convenience, and overall satisfaction towards the service quality. The reasons that support and influence their choice, ascertain their views in enhancement of service and reasons behind their dis- satisfaction are analyzed by conducting the Descriptive research, the data so gathered are with appropriate tools and provided with feasible suggestions. 
Keywords: consumers mindset towards in utilizing the call taxi services, comfortless etc…
 Received  : December 2022      Accepted  : December 2022                  Published : December 2022     

Author Information
Trejaa VS
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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