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A Report on the CSR Activities of Parle

Issue Abstract

Food product being a sensitive commodity. The risk factors are high for the corporate. In order to maintain its reputation and attract customers, the corporate has to have a sound quality management and control. Beyond this maintaining the goodwill of the corporate, CSR initiatives paves a strong and beneficial ways By way of CSR, the corporate can gain both reputation as well as tax exemptions For undertaking CSR, the corporate must focus on a key “Society-oriented and Environmental issues”. The Corporates undertaking CSR activities are to adhere to the policies and procedures of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The CSR which stood as an effective tool for Financial, Marketing, Public relations and much more aspects of the corporate can turn-out to be a risky initiative for the corporate. A fine understanding of the“CSR Activities of Parle” are consolidated together in this report after gathering the necessary information. 
Keywords: focus on a key “Society-oriented and Environmental issues”
 Received  : June 2022             Accepted  : June 2022                    Published : July 2022      

Author Information
M. Amrutha Lakshmi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2022
Issue Pages