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An Analysis on One to One Marketing and tts Positive Trends

Issue Abstract

We are living in the Information Age where a person may be either a consumer or producer. They are flooded by tons of data about the products or services online. Gone are the olden days where a salesperson would explain the advantages and disadvantages of their company's product or service. Prospects jump directly into the internet searches for the products and get the entire details about it and finally decides which one to buy in the available
choices. With the internet’s intervention, DIGITAL MARKETING has evolved into an irreplaceable part of any business. Moreover, now companies are pushed to offer personalized suggestions of products to their consumers. This is the birth of the one to one marketing era.

Keywords: salesperson would explain the advantages and disadvantages of their company's product or services.
 Received: June 2022        Accepted: June 2022      Published: July 2022      

Author Information
Geetha Priya S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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