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Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Purchase Decision in Madurai City

Issue Abstract

The current scenario, digital marketing occupies an important position in the business world. In India around 36% of internet users observe less TV, 28% have lessened their daily newspapers and magazines, 17% have stopped listening to their radios. Digital marketing started to get visible around 2010. With the entry of e-commerce players like snap deal and flip kart, the digital marketing arena started to pick. this study it deals with the impact of digital marketing on consumer purchase decision by knowing this the marketer can focus on their potential customers through social network sites. the study reveals that people aware of the digital channels In spite of their educational qualification, customers use to prefer digital channels to buy any sought of products, no much role of monthly income of people plays a role choosing a kind product buy through digital channels.

Keywords: digital marketing, digital shopping, digital marketing trends in India, Digital channel where customer used to purchase products, usage of different digital channel for purchasing products, types of family and problems face while using digital marketing channel, etc.,

Received  : April 2022        Accepted  : April 2022      Published : May 2022      

Author Information
Dr. S. Chandrasekaran
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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