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The Role and Important of Education in The Perception of The Skill Development of The Students in The Educational Institutions.

Issue Abstract

Objective-To enable the students to study and enhance various types of skills through  the education. We can say that education is a weapon, in the hands of the students. According to Mahatma Gandhiji  “Education is to bring  out the overall development of the child” Education provides the overall development of the child. Education is a life long process, through outreach and every age, every situation provides knowledge, in terms of education. It can be provided through formal and in-formal Education. Education is a channel, which brings out the innate capacities and potentials of the child. It acts as a supportive system to lead a happy and worthy life. Education shows the appropriate direction to the life. Education gives the power of reasoning, thinking capacity, so only it can be called and used as a weapon against all odds, playing in the society and community. Education gives the power of taking the right decisions, at the right time and in the right situations. Education enables people to act and take wise decisions in the critical situations. Education plays an vitol role in the skill  development of the youth of the country. Skill development is very important in the leading economy of India. Various skills can be provided through proper training, with  communicating with education. Making young students, enabled with proper skills, we can solve the problem of unemployment, which is the acute and major present problem of rural and urban India. Without education, proper skill development is un-imaginable, so both can go hand in hand. We should focus on skill development through channelizing the student’s potentials, capacities through providing thought full education.

Keywords: New Economic World, Monetary 

Author Information
Reshma HS
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. (2018). The Importance Of Education For Individuals.

  2. Available at: education  for individual education-essay.php Toppr-guides. (n.d.). Essay on Importance of Education in Life and Society (500+ Words).
    Available at: