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Hdar (Hybrid Dimensionality Association Rule) with Exceptional Patterns in Multiple Data Sources

Issue Abstract


Many multi-branch companies transact from different branches. Each branch maintains a database for their locally completed transactions. Hence, many such companies possess multiple databases. The challenges involve in making a sound decision based on huge amount of distributed data. Both risks and opportunities could be encountered. The Synthesizing of HDAR algorithm follows a different approach for finding Strong and high patterns with hybrid dimensionality association rule along with exceptional patterns and its frequency level at highest performance. This model is promising since it proves the captured global patterns are at a advanced level, and synthesizing global and exceptional association rules are truly valid in making global decisions by the interstate company. For making decisions, some patterns show the individuality of the regions and grouping of regions which are important. It can be explored only by synthesizing in a multi-level perspective and all the proposed methods have been Comprehensively validated with needed parameters by experimental studies.

Keywords: New Economic World, Monetary
Received  : March 2022          Accepted  : March 2022              Published : April 2022      

Author Information
Dr. R. Suganthi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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