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A Study on the Psychological Impact on People of India Intune with Covid ’19.

Issue Abstract

Corona Virus is the group of virus that causes illness in Animals and Humans.  This virus has its origin from China and spread to its nearby country in the late 2019, causing a minute attention of WHO. But during the beginning of 2020, this virus has grown up drastically by taking life of more than 30,000.  This article not a medical article which gives elaborative study of Covid, but gives the disturbance it caused in the mind of Human and in the Strategy of
Government operations. The study is conducted and analysis is also done to derive at a conclusion on the current scenario of Indian Nation. 
Keywords: Psychology, Stress, Fear
Received  : October 2022              Accepted  : October 2022       Published : November 2022      

Author Information
Dr. K. R. Kolammal
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2022
Issue Pages