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A Study on Stress Management of employee in service Industries with special reference to Chennai

Issue Abstract


In the current scenario service sector has transformed tremendously change in the last few years and which is becoming the next booming industry. Due to rapid growth and heavy competition, employees are facing several problems of stress. This study explores the impact of enhancing the employee’s participation in service industries and to know the stress barriers faced by them. It is significant for knowing stress awareness among the employees and the strategies for coping with the stress to achieve their goals; this is an analytical study based on primary data which is collected through a questionnaire. Thus the present study is initiated with the stress awareness among the employees in the service industries sector it was carried out among 200 employees from different service stores in the Chennai district. Analysis like Percentage, Chi-Square, and ANOVA analysis were used to know the various factors affecting job stress.
Keywords: Stress awareness, Stress coping techniques, and service Sector.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2015
Issue Pages

Issue References


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