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Exploring Narratives of Exile and Displacement in War literature

Issue Abstract

After World War I, war literatures have been one of the genres which make the readers to connect emotionally on a deeper level. War literatures are mostly written by people who have been directly affected by war physically and physiologically. They use literature and art as a form of coping mechanism to get away from the war trauma. War literatures are mostly personal story narrations with characters that project their insecurities and fear. Narrations of war and peace makes gateway to let out the inner fear caused by the sudden trauma and to help themselves get back to reality. Exile and Displacement occur when people are forced out of their mother land, homes, culture, creating a forced Exodus.
Keywords: War Literature, Exile and displacement, physical and psychological displacement, cultural and social impact, War trauma.

Author Information
N. Mongyung Phom, Assistant Professor Department of English Dimapur Government College Dimapur
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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