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The Impact of E-Banking Service Quality Dimensions and Demographic Moderators on e-Customer Satisfaction and e-Loyalty: Insights for a Personalized Future

Issue Abstract

This research investigates how various e-banking service quality dimensions are reliability, responsiveness, accessibility, ease of use, and security along with demographic factors influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. It underscores the critical role of service quality in shaping customer experiences, with reliability and security emerging as pivotal elements. Demographic variables such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, and income are identified as moderators in these relationships. Employing structural equation modelling (SEM), the study analyses the direct effect of service quality on satisfaction and how satisfaction mediates customer loyalty. The results demonstrate that satisfied customers are more inclined to remain loyal to e-banking platforms. These findings offer valuable insights for financial institutions to enhance their e-banking services and tailorofferings to meet diverse customer needs. Strengthening security and simplifying usability are highlighted as significant drivers of satisfaction. Customizing marketing efforts based on demographic segments can further boost loyalty. Overall, the research provides strategic guidance for optimizing customer experiences and fostering long-term trust in e-banking services.
Keywords: e-banking services, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, customer experiences, marketing efforts.

Author Information
Dr.U.Syed Aktharsha, Associate Professor, Jamal Institute of management, Jamal Mohamed College, (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University), Tiruchirappalli – 620 020
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
06 Jan 2025
Issue Pages

Issue References


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