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Investors Perception towards Commodity Trading in India

Issue Abstract


This study aims to measure the investors’ perception and attitude towards Indian stock market especially in Commodity Trading with reference to the investors in Tamilnadu. This research is descriptive research and it is going to measure the variables which influencing the investors' perception and attitude towards commodity trading. So the descriptive research is taken to describe the features in testing the current scenario. Convenient sampling technique has been adopted. Universe of this study was infinite in nature. So it is appropriate to apply non probability sampling. Trail survey was used to select the sample size measuring internal and construct validity and reliability of the instrument being tested. Based on the pilot study, researcher infers that the standard deviation of the population is low. Major findings of this study include, Income has significant impact on frequency of trading in commodity market, selection of mode of trading and selection of market segments. Age and income has significant impact on taking exposure. Forty six functional variables are used in this study to measure investors' perception. These variables have been explained 72% influence on measuring investor perception.

 Keywords: Investor Perception, Commodity Trading, Indian stock market and Stock Exchange

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Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2022
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Issue References


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