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A Study on Attitude of Youngsters Towards Stock Market Investment

Issue Abstract

This study explores the attitudes of youngsters towards stock market investment. The research investigates the factors influencing their investment decisions, their level of understanding of the stock market, and the perceived risks and benefits associated with stock market investments. The research used a descriptive approach to study the attitude of youngsters towards stock market investment. Our investigation included literature reiews, surveys using Google Forms and analyzed the collected data using SPSS software, using tools correlation, and one-way Anova. The findings of the study reveals that youngsters poses a promising understanding of basic financial concepts and the ability to interpret financial statements and investment options. However, there is a notable inclination towards short-term gains, which poses risks. Youngsters actively seek macroeconomic news and investment strategies, with many influenced by family members and social media content.Despite this, a few respondents demonstrate personal finance management behaviors such as budgeting, expense tracking, savings, and long-term financial planning. In conclusion, the research provides a delicate understanding of how youngsters react to the stock market investment. The youngsters are more interested in invest to make money and they learning various concept through investment practices which is an great attitude to make them financially solid and stable.
Keywords: Stock Market, Youngsters Attitude, Financial Literacy, Risk Perception, Social Influence, Personal Finance Management.

Author Information
L. Ajith Kumar,
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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