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Study on Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to Enable Personalized Banking Services and Enriched Customer Engagement in Chennai City

Issue Abstract


The goal of the research is to gain a deeper understanding of how the banking sector might employ artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance customer interaction and provide more individualised financial services. It highlights hazards and ethical issues while looking at data interpretation skills, consumer experiences, and AI adoption patterns. The results demonstrate that respondents' high levels of engagement and happiness with AI integration indicate that they had a positive attitude towards it. Addressing gender inequality, focusing on various age groups, improving user interaction with AI-driven features, and refining AI algorithms are other recommendations. It is advised to enhance individualised services, enhance data analytics capabilities, and make the most of AI in consumer analysis. Additionally, it is imperative to invest in cutting-edge technologies and IT infrastructure. Putting these suggestions into effect in the realm of digital banking can lead to happier consumers, increased engagement, and improved business outcomes.
Keywords: personalised financial services, consumer engagement, AI algorithms, levels of satisfaction and engagement

Author Information
Akash Kumar S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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